11. Consensus
11.1. BABE digest messages
The Runtime is required to provide the BABE authority list and randomness to the host via a consensus message in the header of the first block of each epoch.
The digest published in Epoch is enacted in . The randomness in this digest is computed based on all the VRF outputs up to including Epoch while the authority set is based on all transaction included up to Epoch .
The computation of the randomness seed is described in Epoch-Randomness, which uses the concept of epoch subchain as described in host specification and the value , which is the VRF output computed for slot .
Algorithm 31. Epoch Randomness
\begin{algorithm} \caption{Epoch-Randomness} \begin{algorithmic} \Require $n > 2$ \State \textbf{init} $\rho \leftarrow \phi$ \For{$B$ in \call{SubChain}{$\mathcal{E}_{n-2}$}} \State $\rho \leftarrow \rho || d_B$ \EndFor \Return \call{Blake2b}{\call{Epoch-Randomness}{$n-1$}$||n||\rho$} \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm}
where is the epoch index.